The last Musketeer book is out and ready for a read. If you're wondering what I've been up to (besides my day job as a science writer) then check out my feed on Instagram. I've been having lots of fun on that platform. For a writer, there's less pressure to produce words that hook people. I still love words, don't get me wrong, but writing pithy blogposts on my official blog and here can just amount to another "To-Do" that never gets done. So, I snap photos and post on Instagram. Fair warning: I love my cats.
What's my next book? Something that has nothing to do with Musketeers. I'll let you know how it shapes up. Meanwhile, if you'd like a copy of any of my trilogy and don't want to buy from Amazon, just send me an email. I'll be happy to help.
What's my next book? Something that has nothing to do with Musketeers. I'll let you know how it shapes up. Meanwhile, if you'd like a copy of any of my trilogy and don't want to buy from Amazon, just send me an email. I'll be happy to help.